Taking time to learn about what to expect during your first 30 days after orthodontic treatment will provide you with valuable information that will help you adjust to life wearing braces or using clear plastic aligner trays.

OrthoCare Orthodontics wants to help you as you start your orthodontic treatment. That is why we have created a comprehensive guide that will provide you with a better understanding of what to expect while you are adjusting to living with a mouth full of metal, wires, rubber bands, or brackets or wearing a clear plastic aligner tray.

Mouth Soreness will Occur During the First Few Weeks 

It is not uncommon to experience slight pain, soreness, or discomfort in the first few weeks after your first orthodontic treatment. Pain, discomfort, and soreness occur because you are learning how to adjust to having a mouth filled with big, bulky metal wires, brackets, and other orthodontic appliances.

Most of the pain or soreness you experience in the first week is from irritation caused by the orthodontic appliances in your mouth. The soft skin around your gums, teeth, and cheek are unused to coming into contact with metal wires and brackets. Until the soft skin starts to toughen up, which will usually happen within the first month after orthodontic treatment, you will experience pain, soreness, and irritation sporadically throughout the day.

How to Handle or Treat Mouth Soreness Caused by Your Orthodontic Treatment 

There are a few things you can do to help relieve any pain or discomfort you experience during the first few weeks of your orthodontic treatment. Some of the ways you can reduce mouth soreness and pain caused by orthodontic treatment include:

  • Using orthodontic wax — orthodontic wax can be placed around sharp wires and brackets to ease irritation of the gums or soft tissue in the mouth
  • Rinsing with warm salt water — rinsing with warm salt water for approximately 30 seconds can help reduce any inflammation or swelling of the gums and it can help the soft tissue heal after being irritated by brackets and wires
  • Sucking on ice cubes — sucking on ice cubes can help reduce any swelling that is occurring around your gums. It can also help reduce any pain or soreness. It is important to make sure you don't crunch on the ice cubes as that could cause damage to your orthodontic appliances.
  • Using an ice pack to reduce swelling and relieve any pain
  • Taking an over-the-counter pain reliever — before taking any medication for pain it is important that you speak with your doctor, dentist, or orthodontist

Prepare to Eat Soft Foods for the First Week or Two 

The pain and discomfort you experience may be so extreme that you will not want to be biting and chewing. While you wait for your mouth to adjust to your braces, you may want to only eat foods that are soft and easy to chew.

Some foods that are easy to eat during the first two weeks of your orthodontic treatment include:

  • Oatmeal
  • Mashed potatoes
  • Seedless breads
  • Pasta
  • Pudding
  • Soup

After any pain or discomfort has subsided, you can start to eat some of your favorite foods. However, make sure that you don't eat anything that could cause any damage to your braces or other orthodontic appliances.

Brushing and Flossing Will Take Longer While Undergoing Orthodontic Treatment 

Before you started your orthodontic treatment, you were probably able to brush and floss your teeth in approximately five minutes. Unfortunately, it will take more time to properly brush and floss your teeth.

Brushing and flossing with braces and other orthodontic appliances will take longer because there are more spaces and areas to clean. You will have to clean not only the surface of your teeth, but the areas around the wires, around the brackets, and in between your teeth. It will take longer to clean all these areas.

Some tips to help you with brushing and flossing during the first month of your orthodontic treatment include:

  • Plan enough time to brush and floss your teeth - you don't want to rush brushing and flossing your teeth as it could cause you to not remove all the food particles or plaque. It can also cause you to damage your braces. Make sure you give yourself enough time to properly brush and floss.
  • Consider using a water flosser - this doesn't replace regular flossing, but it can help remove food particles and plaque
  • Use a floss threader - a floss threader will help you remove plaque and food from around your wires
  • Use a soft bristled toothbrush — this will allow you to clean your teeth, but won't damage your brackets or wires
  • Try to brush and floss after every meal — before you were able to brush 2 times a day and floss once a day. However, with braces you will want to try to brush and floss after every meal as food is more likely to get stuck in your braces and around your teeth
  • Rinse your mouth out with water — if you are unable to brush after eating, rinse your mouth out with water. This will remove any large food particles from your mouth.

Always be Prepared with the Proper Supplies 

Before you leave your orthodontist's office after that first appointment, you will be given a bag filled with all the supplies you need to properly care for your teeth and braces. Make sure that you have all the supplies you need. If you don't have enough supplies, feel free to ask your orthodontist for more.

Some of the supplies that you will want to make sure you have during the first month of your orthodontic treatment include:

  • Orthodontic wax
  • Small soft bristled toothbrush
  • Elastic bands
  • Floss
  • Floss threader
  • List of instructions - instructions will be given on how to properly brush and floss, how often to change out your rubber bands and elastics, when to return for a follow up appointment, and what to do if you experience an orthodontic emergency such as a broken wire or a bracket falls off
  • Dental pick

Everyone's Experience the First Month of Orthodontic Treatment will be Different 

Everyone's experience during the first month of orthodontic treatment will be different. Some people will experience pain and discomfort for almost a month while others will only experience pain and discomfort for a few days. Hopefully this overview gives you a better understanding of what you might experience during the first month of your orthodontic treatment.

After reading about what to expect during the first month of wearing braces or using clear aligners, if you are ready to improve your smile call OrthoCare Orthodontics to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced orthodontists. All new patients who choose to undergo orthodontic treatment with OrthoCare Orthodontics after their consultation will receive $500 off their orthodontic treatment.

Call our office today to schedule an appointment for a consultation and you will be one step closer to improving your smile.

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